Abdomen Injury Criterion Tolerance Levels

The abdomen has only one injury criterion, Abdomen Injury Criterion, which is applied to both frontal and lateral impacts with blunt objects.

Abdomen Injury Criterion (Compression)

The tolerance levels proposed for the Abdomen Injury Criterion are based on the AIS tolerance curve formulated by S.W. Rouhana (Ref.2.1.5 SAE Paper 892440 Ref.2.1.6 SAE Paper 892440)  He proposed a compression of 80 mm (40%) would produce a 10% probability of AIS 4 injury, equivalent to a Level 3 injury.  This has formed the basis of the tolerance levels shown Appendix 1, Table 31.  As abdominal injuries are rarely life threatening a tolerance level for Level 4 has not been proposed.  Appendix 1, Table 31 shows the proposed tolerance levels in relation to abdominal compression and deflection with the current limit for the table edge impact test BR/BCT609.

Abdomen Injury Criteria Summary

Appendix 1, Table 32 summarises the abdomen Injury criteria, and tolerance levels.



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Dr. A.R. Payne

S. Patel

© MIRA 2001

Project 427519

  Version 1.1