- European Rail Safety Network

Research - SAFEINTERIORS - Partner profiles


Posted: Monday 19 June 2006

The SAFEINTERIORS consortium gathers the necessary and sufficient partnership to fully ensure relevant specifications of the products that will be developed within the project, successful carrying out of subsequent research and development activities, and wide and deep exploitation of the project outcomes.
Train manufacturers and equipment suppliers will play the primary role of defining the functional requirements for equipment and layouts, to ensure the conformity of the new solutions with specifications of other origins, to design the solutions investigated in the project and to manufacture all required prototypes.
Railway operators, as end users, will play the primary roles in specifying functional requirements, test solutions, ensure consistency with other regulations and lead to a correct translation of the findings to European norms and standards.
Research organisations and academia will play a major role in the research and development along with research centres of railway companies which will also provide important contributions. In parallel, research organisations will actively take part to laboratory tests.
The consortium is completed by a partner specialized in railway standards in the areas of safety and an international union of railway manufacturers whose role will be to disseminate the project outcomes. To ensure interoperability and a wider dissemination and application of the project outcome SAFEINTERIORS has also paid attention to a well-balanced distribution of the partnership across Europe.

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Partner Profiles

Posted: Monday 19 June 2006

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